Summer 2018
Dear Members
The “Scottie and Westie” days are upon us with the heat that seems to be staying. And staying! I hope you have all had a good spring and summer is going well. I just wish, that we could bottle some warmth for January and February when we will need it!
As you should have received your membership renewal already, you have also seen our new logo. The Board of Directors has worked for several years on a forward-looking design to go along with an overhaul of our website. The site should be launching at the end of August and will have several features that are inherent in virtually every other organization including a better membership portal where you can renew or join easily and when you indicate what committee or activity you are interested in participating in, we will be able to find you! But, if you are not a tech lover: no worries, we will still send communications by post.
Have you attended Pub Night yet? Or were you brave enough to give your vocal chords a workout at Karaoke night? (Your Chief was not – I don’t want to be responsible for medical expenses related to bleeding ears) Our fabulous Activities team of Marjorie Stewart and Steve McNally have more events in the planning and we remain committed to keep the cost low so everyone is able to join. Additionally, we have started cross-promoting events arranged by the Scots BarNY, as well as the American Scottish Foundation and the Saint Andrew’s Society of the State of New York, to bring you even more ways to network or just have fun.
This coming winter, we will also be partnering with Carnegie Hall to cross promote our NYCC music, dance and language classes in conjunction with their Migrations: The Making of America Festival. We anticipate, owing to the timing of the festival that our Spring season will be quite busy and are hoping that this will also raise interest in the club, the Ceilidh and the parade. Carnegie Hall events will start March 9th, 2019 and continue through April 15th. For more information on the Carnegie Hall Festival, visit
I would also remind you, that we would like to do a bit of a contest: submit your pictures of your trip to Scotland or a festival for publication in the Winter Edition of An T-Albannach. I know there are talented people out there – get some bragging rights! Also, Barbara, our wonderful newsletter editor can use your help. Please submit a write-up of a trip, a history or other interest piece (you must be getting tired of my medical pieces) or perhaps some poetry you may have written. If you have experience in proofreading or print layout, please let her know, too.
In closing, thank you for your continued support and I hope to see you all soon. Latha sona is fallain dhuibh, agus dha ur cuideachd! (Happy and healthy days to you and yours.)
Sue Ann McDevitt
83rd Chief