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New York Caledonian Club Newsletters

The New York Caledonian Club produces regular newsletters, which you may download below.

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American Scottish Gaelic Society Newsletters

The New York Caledonian Club is an organizational member of An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach, the American Scottish Gaelic Society. ACGA is an national organization supporting Scottish Gaelic throughout North America, especially Gaelic learning communities such as ours, here in New York City. Visit their website at

An Naidheachd Againne (“Our News” or “Our Story”) is the quarterly newsletter/journal of ACGA. It is the only bilingual Scottish Gaelic-English publication of its type in the world today. There is much of interest to New York Caledonian Club members in the back issues provided here. The current issue is available to club members on request.

Our Newsletters are in PDF format. Click here to install Adobe Reader for free.

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